Can You Be Allergic to Fresh Pineapple but Not Canned

A pineapple allergy may manifest as tingling of the tongue.
A pineapple allergy may manifest as tingling of the tongue.

A pineapple allergy is a rare allergic reaction to the flesh and juice of the pineapple. It tin can manifest as tingling or jolting of the natural language and lips, redness effectually the mouth, or gastrointestinal discomfort. Sometimes an allergy to pineapple tin can crusade more serious symptoms, like wheezing and difficulty breathing, which require a visit to a hospital emergency room. An allergic reaction happens when the body's immune system treats the protein in an allergen every bit a strange invader, producing immunoglobulin Due east (IgE) antibodies and histamine, the substance responsible for allergic symptoms.

Headache may be experienced by someone experiencing an allergic reaction to pineapple.
Headache may be experienced by someone experiencing an allergic reaction to pineapple.

Although unlike from a true pineapple allergy, pineapple is one of the fruits that can cause a reaction in oral allergy syndrome (OAS). This is a cross-reaction that causes oral tingling and rima oris redness in sufferers of hay fever when they ingest certain fruits. In keeping with its proper noun, OAS causes oral symptoms only, not the wider range of respiratory symptoms nowadays in hay fever. Sometimes people with OAS can ingest pineapple juice or canned pineapple without symptoms, simply non fresh pineapple.

A severe allergic reaction to pineapple may require emergency room care.
A severe allergic reaction to pineapple may require emergency room intendance.

There are a variety of symptoms associated with an allergy to pineapple. Symptoms may include hard breathing; swelling of the face, nose, or throat; or pare redness or swelling. Other symptoms, such equally headaches, tum pains, or diarrhea, may also occur. The symptoms and severity of a pineapple allergy vary between individuals and range from balmy to life threatening.

Some people can consume canned pineapple but not fresh pineapple.
Some people tin can consume canned pineapple only not fresh pineapple.

A pineapple allergy is considered to be rare considering it is not among the list of the eight nearly common nutrient allergies, which cause upward to 90 percent of allergic reactions in children and adults. These include cow's milk, peanuts, and shellfish. Every bit pineapple is not among these, it is important to see a doctor for an allergy exam to make up one's mind if the allergy is really a reaction to some other nutrient. A medico will test for allergies by pricking the skin with a needle that contains i of several potential allergens. After several minutes, the pare will redden if the substance is a truthful allergen.

Stomach pain might be caused by an allergic reaction to pineapple.
Stomach hurting might be caused by an allergic reaction to pineapple.

There is no cure for a pineapple allergy or for food allergies in general and no pill to prevent a reaction. Diligent abstention of the allergen is the but way to command it. In farthermost cases, where pineapple allergy causes an anaphylactic reaction, the sufferer may demand to comport an epinephrine auto-injector pen in instance of accidental ingestion. Even though allergies aren't curable, they may announced or disappear suddenly throughout a person'southward life. A person who is allergic to pineapple at one point may either lose her allergy, or the allergy can become more severe later.


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